Monday 24 March 2008

Original Blogging Material . . .

straight through your internet.

I really do talk about the weather a lot, but at the moment it is a very serious topic in London. I don't know whats happening
1minute its raining
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the next its snowing ?
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I mean its almost fucking April and this weather is hitting us. I really am afraid of what summer has prepared for us, because the part of the summer i'am in the country for i have plans to
release my chicken legs ! and bad weather shall spoil this plan.

but amongst the confusion of rain or snow, i managed to do the bird call "aaarrrgh aaaargh" & my girl Carolina manage to appear from no wear and supply a rather "eye of the tiger umbrella" doesn't it make you wanna go reach for a bowl of Frosties and go ROOOOAR ! ?
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I swear some people were completely lost and thought they were in Somalia with a glass of fanta fruit twist and the sun shining hard.
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Hold tight the young girls breakfast deciding not to stay in her stomach, im still not sure what she ate but i whittled it down to either golden nuggets (due to the shade of the sick) or Rice Crispies
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From vomits to periods,
saw this advert on the train today and thought does the tampon have competition ? or am i just late on this new thing (not that i should know, i guess)
but is this the new HD vs BLUERAY or VSH vs BETAMAX battle ?
ladies if so whose winning ?
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And hold tight the fresh.o.b Nigerian men around town, you lot have the craziest loafer/shoes available on the market (i do wish i got a proper picture because these were to NUTS)
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(one more thing i need a little help, my camera's 2gb memory card seems to be saying its full when i know theres FUCKING nothing on it. Does this mean it's basically lost its mind and gone to place where all memory cards go to die or do i need to do something specific to get it going again ?)

i lied . . . one more thing greg i wasn't gonna roll with no easter egg on Saturday night lol and i was merked from work

love bntl like a fat kid loves cake


@misterlego said...

famo i got caught out like max and stacey from eastenders . . .
i come out my house and the weather was almost perfect just a little cold . . . and then POW like lethal b, snow and rain started appearing.

i was almost crying at a point there, fucking 80s og vans but its not a thing i shld be picking up the o.g chukka boot version tomorrow **misterlego, wears sunglasses and grins teeth**

Josey Rebelle said...

oi i need an undercover barbershop update!!!

Anonymous said...

Josephine your 28 going on 29 get a life!!!!!!!!! Your the biggest waste cadet on road. GROW UP

Josey Rebelle said...

haha! mum, what you doing on here?

Matthew Schnickens said...

Allow the anon sendage.

Unknown said...

The weather is a great concern of mine right now!

Gynelle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Leumas said...

LMAO at the Nigerian guys with thier shoes. I see plenty of them when I go with my mum to Nigerian parties. They think they are fresh with the blue/green/purple, snake/croc skin shoes. smh

Gynelle said...

that mooncup seems so far from cool! don't want to even consider the logistics of it all-the name alone is just erghhhhhhh!

as for the anon above-if your gonna bring arms house- don't be a pussy and at least use your name!

ps mister lego imma hit you with an email about the memory card prob-i had the same happen to me for a while.

Anonymous said...

they've been trying to make the mooncup take off for a while! apparently you can't feel it and it's reusable but i have never met a girl who's so much as tried it. i dunno. we're so used to having to stick something up our fanny why would we switch now?