Saturday 14 February 2009

Boy Of 13 Has A Baby With A Sea Lion

Im sure you've heard everybody ranting on about how this little guy is to young to be having a kid but i say that's the least of his problems, because he is now officially stuck with that pale pickle and cheese eating chunky sea lion, for the rest of his life.

I mean just look at her fucking right tit its bigger than his head (in most cases this would be a mans dream) but in this case its just wrong. She needs to be arrested fucking with a 12 year old just to steal money from my pay cheque for taxes for her new born child.

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I mean look at his t'shirt his probably wearing a kids large and its still to big for him.
look at his face, it looks like some one stole his Pokemon cards and flushed them down the toilet with his life and hench reebok classic wearing baby mama.

I bet you in two years time he looks back at this photo and say to himself
"my shape up was fucked like my baby mama"

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brother from another mother . . .

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check out the full story and watch the video of the two, by just a click
(the boy didn't even know what financial meant, that babies officially pissed)

holdtight valentines day today and don't worry if you ain't got no partner to spend it with, like myself just see it as saving that kitty cash. (although ladies should get at me i want that sugar today. oh warning in advance i do discriminate against sea lion looking females)

Loving bntl like a fat kid loves cake.


Tom.B said...

i want to know how this little yute could produce his protein juice in the first place. its like the little kid and goth girl from this is england haha

Anonymous said...

Don't lie lego, you know you would sex that

Anonymous said...

paternity tests are needed.
i know i wasnt making the white stuff at 12

Anonymous said...

all of the points you're making are totally valid, but really, did nobody teach you good grammar?

the task of reading this post completely outweighed the enjoyment.

@witts_bntl said...

I just spat my drink out all over the desk @ sea lion.


On a real though, this shit is digusting. If you read the full story in the paper both families are fucked up, living on benefits with dozens of kids, so its no surprise the kids are going on like this.

The lad doesnt realise what he's got himself into and will deeply regret this in years to come.

He stands a good chance of outliving his own child

Anonymous said...

haha...fat sea otter, that kid dont look 13..he looks about 10...its scary to think kids know how to reproduce...when i was 12...i was still collecting wwf cards...and saving my copper to buy sweets

Kevin Lanre said...

LOL...Lego, one of these days you're going to kill me!

I almost bust a gut laughing here

@OllieDanger said...

'First time having unprotected sex.'

Who are these guys kidding? He's blatently been hitting that for a minute.

ProphetNine said...

Haha this shit is too funny, this kinda reminds me of 'Dont Be A Menace', they gonna change each other nappies en shit lmao!, naw for real, they at least gonna be able to ride the school bus together in a few years lol.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

todays new of the world (not that these sorts of papers are to be believed in the first place...) says that she was sleeping with up to EIGHT lads at the time the baby was concieved.


i bet she hangs like a wizards sleeve.

and you're born with sperm aren't you?

Super Noodle Rach said...

LOLLL haha!!she looks like a beast compared to him..and slightly like a lady peadophile...

LaWeez Hynes said...

She looks like Karen Matthews, he looks like a foetus. That child is FUCKED as soon as it hits secondary school. (Not like that, although you never know, like mother like daughter)

Anonymous said...

'First time having unprotected sex.'

Who are these guys kidding? He's blatently been hitting that for a minute.


Ishy said...

I knew that this should have been my sourcc when I saw everyone on FB having a bitch fit about this, but no is outraged when a 12year in Somalia has a child by a 35yr old are they KMT! dnt get me started..LMAO at if Chris Breezy can kick Rihanna outta his Lambo I can write an article with bad grammar..damn you went there! :p

swear never knew that guy could even produce a means to impreganant the sea lion LOL you know she gna have another kid by the time she is 16...she needs to be on

Anonymous said...

LOL@ your blog, that girl looks like 'Uncle Festa from the Adams Family.
It sickens me to watch things like that, he doesn't even look like he knows wha gwan on in nookie time!
That sea lion raped him and told him it was consented sex!!

feel sorry for the baby (that poor yoot has to get breast fed by the sea lion)